Aussie Urinary Track & Bladder Care

Dogs who swim in lakes often are often at risk of Urinary Track and Bladder infections. Females are primarily the problem with this issue, but Males are at risk also. There are prevention and maintenance options done from a purely holistic approach. Making this a daily commitment is essential in helping to prevent this painful issue with your Aussie.

Along with a stable Kibble we use Life's Abundance (never on recall and completely natural and privately owned with no worries of big buyouts!)

Here is what we recommend...

Coconut Oil - high grade

Dosage: 1/2 tsp per 10 pounds


Ranked in the top 10 most important food medicines, coconut oil is a must add to your pet’s diet! With over 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties, the one we love the most is its yeast-bustin’ abilities!

Almost 50% of the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are lauric acids, saturated fatty acids that our bodies convert into monolaurin. Monolaurin is one of the natural world's greatest antivirals, a...ntibacterials and antifungals. Because they come from natural sources, these fatty acids pose no danger to your pets' bodies, unlike man-made antibiotics and anti-virals.

Coconut has been used for wound healing for thousands of years. A new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology confirms that coconut oil aides in treating atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition characterized by scaly and itchy rashes.

Furthermore, one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that “coconut oil is extremely effective at killing Candida albicans, a common yeast infection in humans.” Another study published in the Journal of Bacteriology discovered that “coconut oil can help kill Staphylococcus aureus, which is a common cause of skin conditions and respiratory diseases.”

The recommended dosage for feeding is:

• ½ teaspoon for every 10lbs of body weight daily

Or, if using topically, just rub the oil on your hands and apply to your pet’s coat (remember not to over do it!).


Note from: Julee Samuli Question on what type of coconut oil to get?
It is important that you give your dog only Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) both are also called unrefined-oil. Cold-pressed VCO is best. Organic and non-GMO coconut oil is even
better. Despite what manufacturers and people may say the difference between VCO and EVCO is simply a marketing campaign borrowed from the olive oil manufacturing community - there is no real difference between the two (EVO and EVCO).

When introducing coconut oil to your dog's diet, start at 1/2 tsp and increase from there by 1/4 or 1/2 tsp per day ONLY if your dog's stool is normal. Coconut oil can cause diarrhea and greasy stool, so go slowly. Increase until you can get the maximum dosage per day (1/2 tsp per 10 pounds of weight per day - you can do it at one meal or split it between two meals).

For 10 more reasons why you should feed this wonderful oil to your dogs: CLICK HERE

GSE - Grapefruit Seed Extract
This is the amount of GSE you should give your dog on a daily basis.
2-20 lbs. = 1 drop daily
20-40 lbs = 2 drops

40-60 lbs = 3 drops
60-80 lbs = 4 drops

Apple Cider Vinegar (in addition during a flare up)

Cranberry Powder (in addition during a flare up)


Note from: Vickie Lynch Wessel The vet who finally diagnosed Maya's vaginal infection said that all female dogs should have a vaginal examination prior to spay. The doctor can do this exam when the dog is being prepped for surgery. If no evidence of inflammation or infection exists, they proceed with spay. If there is evidence - do not proceed with spay. Treat infection and wait for spay. The vet also told me that if a recessed vulva does exist, don't spay until after first heat as the problem may correct itself after first heat is complete. Hope this helps others. Get with Theresa if you want to discuss further. She has all the details.

To read Vickie & Maya's story, scroll down this page...



STEP 1: Topical Treatment to Wash Away Bacteria

Bath your dog using the following rinse - this will help to flush out bacteria that might otherwise invade your dog’s urinary tract.

Lemon can be used in combination with green tea and organic apple cider vinegar as a highly effective cleansing and disinfecting rinse.  Just as you would with commercially made shampoos - make sure you avoid getting the lemon juice cleansing rinse in your dog’s, cat's eyes. Do not use undiluted ACV on broken skin as it will sting.

To make the rinse: 
  • Steep two or three bags of green tea; 
    • Allow the tea to cool to room temperature;
  • Add the juice of a fresh lemon to the cooled tea;
  • Add the lemon-tea mixture to 4 litres/1 gallon of room temperature water;
  • Add 2 tbs of organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar;
  • Use the resulting liquid to bath your dog. You can choose to just cleanse your dog’s underside and under his/her tail, or bath your dog’s, cat's entire body
STEP 2: Internal Treatment to Flush System, Reduce Inflammation and Kill Bacteria

Option 1:
Mix the following together in a bowl:
  • Fresh lemon juice from the juice of 1 lemon (you can also add some minced lemon pulp from the lemon if desired);
  • Warm water to equal the amount of lemon juice;
  • Add the following to the lemon juice/warm water mixture:
  • 1 tbs of frozen or fresh crushed cranberries;
  • A few slices of orange (cut into small pieces or minced, don’t use whole uncut sections);
  • 1 tsp of organic unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp of raw, unpasteurized honey drizzled over top of the other ingredients;
  • If your dog will not eat the mixture as is, you can mix-in a piece of fatty fish, chicken or meat.
  • If your dog does not have kidney or gall bladder stones, liver problems and/or is not pregnant or lactating you can also add:
    •  1 tbs of finely chopped fresh parsley, or:
    •  Parsley water
Give this treatment to your dog twice a day until the infection clears. If the infection does not clear-up in the space of a day or two get your dog to a veterinarian.

Option 2:
Liquid GSE:
  • Minimum dosage - 0.5 drops per every kg (per every 2.2 lbs) of body weight;
  • Maximum dosage - 10 to 15 drops per every 10 lbs of body weight 3 times a day;
Give this treatment to your dog, cat twice a day until the infection clears. If the infection does not clear-up in the space of a day or two get your dog, cat to a veterinarian.

  • Immunosuppresent drugs;Cholesterol lowering drugs;
  • Antihistamines.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT - ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

ACV can be used topically and as a dietary supplement. As a dietary supplement ACV can be added directly to your dog’s and cat's fresh drinking water or to one of your dog’s daily meals (I mixed it in with chicken broth into the food). 

  • Small Dogs (and cats) up to 14 lbs - 1 tsp;
  • Medium Dogs (and cats) 15 lbs to 34 lbs - 2 ts;
  • Large Dogs:
    • 35 lbs to 84 lbs - 1 tbs;
    • 85 lbs to 134 lbs - 1.5 tbsp;
    • 135 lbs to 200 lbs – 2 tbsp. 
    • 85 lbs to 134 lbs - 1.5 tbsp;
    • 135 lbs to 200 lbs – 2 tbsp.
Cautions, Side Effects

If your dog is on insulin or diuretics do not add ACV to his/her diet without consulting your veterinarian as there could be an interaction between the insulin/drugs and the ACV. When ACV is taken with a meal, ACV slows the rise of blood sugar – this suggests that a reduced amount of insulin is required to process the food. The dosage of insulin you give your dog may have to be adjusted to account for lower blood-sugar levels.

Dogs who are suffering from an irritated intestinal tract lining should not take (ingest) ACV.

Step 3: Diet - adding herbs to help supplement

While your dog or cat has a UTI supplement their daily diet with a one or two herbs (from the list below) to help fight the infection and boost the immune system. Below the following list of herbs you will find a herbal dosage chart -based on your dog's or cat's weight. You can also purchase holistic pre-blended tintcures of these and other herbs specifically for treatment of UTIs.
Safe to use daily as a dietary supplement for most dogs and cats.
  • Can be used in dry herb, dry powder, pill/capsule, tea and tincture.
  • Cautions…
    • If your dog or cat as lupus or leukemina do not use cat's claw;
    • If your dog or cat has low blood pressure using cat's claw may further lower blood pressure.
  • Drug Interactions…
    • Medications changed by the liver;Medications that are moved by pumps into cells;
    • Medications that decrease the immune system - i.e. corticosteriods (cyclosporine, prednisone, etc.).
  • Can be used in dry herb form or tincture.Cautions…
    • If your dog or cat is pregnant or lactating don’t use golden seal as an ingested supplement;
    • Don’t use golden seal as an ingested treatment for new-born puppies or kittens.
  • Drug Interactions…
    • Cyclosporine;Medications changed by the liver;
    • Medications that are moved by pumps into cells.
Preparation and Dosage
  • Licorice is naturally sweet and has a flavour that most dogs enjoy;You can use licorice to mask the less favoured taste of other herbs that your dog may need to ingest but not like the taste of;Use a low-alcohol licorice root extract (alcohol should represent 5% to 10% of the total volume of the tincture); Dosage
    • Tincture - 12 to 20 drops per every 20 lbs of body weight two times daily.Tea – 24 to 40 drops per every 20 lbs of body weight two times daily.Don’t use for more than 2 weeks at a time – unless your veterinarian has instructed otherwise.
    • If you must use for more than two weeks make sure that you add dandelion to the diet so that increased potassium requirement is met and elimination of excess sodium is enabled.
  • Cautions
    • Do not give to a pregnant or lactating dog.
  • Side effects…
    • As noted further above.
  • Drug Interactions…
    • Licorice may interfere with blood thinning drugs;Medications changed by the liver;Medications for high blood pressure;
    • Diuretic drugs.
  • Safe to use daily as a dietary supplement for most dogs and cats.Use dry powder or supplement form. The powdered bark has a very agreeable scent.Slippery elm contains astringent tannins that sooth and reduce inflammation, reduce swelling and heal tissue. Helps to heal internal and mucosal tissues;
  • When added to water the powdered bark creates a soothing mucilage (a thick water-based solution) which can be used to moisten and sooth. The powder can be mixed into your dog`s or cat`s food with some added moisture
  • Cautions…
    • Use moderation when giving slippery elm to a pregnant or lactating dog or cat
  • Side Effects…
    • None
  • Interactions…
    • Slippery elm contains a soft fibre called mucilage which can decrease how much medicine the body absorbs. Ingesting slippery elm at the same time that an oral mendicant is taken can decrease the efficacy of the medication;
    • To prevent this interaction administer the slippery elm at last one hour after giving ingested medications.
  • Dry powder;
  • Liqued;
  • Tea - infusion;
  • Tincture - use alcohol-free only;
  • Supplement - capsule, pill;
  • Or as part of a silymarin phosphatidylcholine complex,
  • (Also sold in combination with dandelion and other herbs)


Dog’s, Cat’s Weight
Dry Powder 
Tea or Infusion
Tablet, Pill
pounds (lbs)
1-10 lbs 
1/16 –
1/8 tsp

1/8 cup
1x to 3x
1x to 3x
1 -
1x to 3x
10-20 lbs
1/8 tsp -
1/4 tsp

1/4 cup
1x to 3x
1/2 -
1x to 3x
3 -
1x to 3x
20-50 lbs
1/4 tsp -
1 tsp

1/4 cup -
1/2 cup
1x to 3x
1 –
1x to 3x
5 -
1x to 3x
50-100 lbs 
1 tsp -
2 tsp

1/2 cup –
1 cup
1x to 3x
1 – 
1x to 3x
1x to 3x
+100 lbs
2 tsp -

1 tbs
1 cup 
1x to 3x
1x to 3x
1x to 3x
tsp = teaspoon     tbs = tablespoon    times/day = times per day    x = times per day

If your dog or cat suffers from chronic UTI you need to change your dog’s or cat's diet…
  • Remove all grains from the diet;
    •  corn, wheat, barley, rice, oatmeal, quinoa, etc. 
  • Use only good source protein – organic is best: meat, fish, eggs, goat yogurt or kefir, legumes, etc. 
  • Use carbohydrates from nutritionally dense foods such as sweet potatoes, squash.
  • Add nutrient rich whole foods such as steamed or frozen/thawed veggies (i.e. carrots, broccoli, cauliflower) and fresh fruit high in vitamin C 
  • The best diet is a well balanced, grain-free, toxin-free:
    • Raw-food diet, or fresh food combined with low temprature cooked food homemade nutritionally complete, biologically/species appropriate 
    • If you must feed commercial processed dry or wet food make sure you know how to select a better product - don't assume you know - must people, even those that think they know - do not.
Hope this is helpful. I get worried when I do something specific for my dogs and then other people want to follow suit. Sometimes I add-lib knowing I won't overdose. When putting info out there for stuff like this, I want to be as thorough as possible with combinations, dosages, outside influences (medications), etc. Always acting on the safe side - leaving little room for outside interpretation. 

Vickie & Maya's Story

Well, Maya's initial lab results came back yesterday and I am beside myself. Her initial diagnosis is a bacteria called pseudomonas. It is an extremely drug resistant bacteria that left untreated can be life threatening. See the following article: for information about the bacteria.

"A major breakthrough against Pseudomonas came with the development of the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics (including enrofloxacin, its counterpart for human use called ciprofloxacin, and several others). These medications are active against many bacterial types including Pseudomonas. They are available as tablets and are not associated with the serious side effects that plagued the aminoglycoside group. Marbofloxacin is a veterinary fluoroquinolone that addresses the need for treatment of Pseudomonas infections in pets."

Marbofloxacin is sold under the name Zeniquin and is the drug I insisted they switch Maya to on Monday when I picked her up. It is expensive as there is no generic available on the market yet. Additional information on this can be found here:

Looking back, I want to just kick myself for letting my vet lead me blindly through various treatments and I want to give some advice to all. If your pet has a problem and the initial treatment doesn't appear to work, get a second opinion from another vet in a different practice. Unless you know your pet has a broken bone that needs immediate treatment, don't authorize surgery without a second opinion. I know it might cost an additional vet visit but worth it if you don't have to do surgery. Maya had pain in her lower extremities. Looking back on it, I ask myself if I hurt in my pelvic area, would I let an orthopedic operate on my back without ruling out any issues with my lower GI or female parts? Of course not!!! Two weeks after her back surgery, she was still yelping with pain and dropping to the ground.

If your pet seems to be ill, ask for lab work. Throwing various drugs at any infection without having confirmation that it is appropriate for that particular strain of bacteria is just malpractice in my opinion. It is how many bacteria have become drug resistant in humans as well.

When I picked Maya up after surgery on Monday, the vet had prescribed another complete round of Clavamox (out of the amoxicillin family) and I asked why. It hasn't worked thus far. She was telling me her vaginal cavity was still very infected and had blisters on the vaginal walls. After months of Clavamox she should have had no infection at surgery if the right drug was being used. I'm not a physician and I know that!!

I share all of this only in the hopes that you all can avoid the path I have travelled with my Maya. I will never just put blind faith in a vet again. I will allow my instincts and inner voice that says "I'm not sure this is the right thing to do" to prevail.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation and for your indulgence. Urinary tract infections can lead to dangerous long term consequences if not treated propertly.

Lastly, I am fortunate to have insured my dogs when I purchased them from Theresa. Please be sure you all do the same!


Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections. Pseudomonas is a gram-negative rod that belongs to the family...

34 more reasons why you should add this wonderful oil into our own worlds:

1. Winter moisturizer for paws, nose and ears
2. Can protect the liver from toxic antibiotic drugs
3. Reduces Hairballs
4. Reduces Cancer risks
5. Rub into the skin as a basic lotion
6. To support healthy thyroid function
7. To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning
8. Topically to kill yeast or yeast infections in pets
9. It’s high Lauric acid and MCFA content helps boost metabolism
10. Gives your pet a shiny, glossy coat
11. Topically, can help skin heal faster after injury or infection
12. Can help sooth psoriasis or eczema
13. There is some evidence that regular ingestion of coconut oil can help prevent or reverse Alzheimers
14. Can be used as a natural suncreen
15. Is energy boosting
16. There is some evidence that coconut oil helps digestion and may even kill intestinal parasites or yeast
17. Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an all-day energy boost (do NOT take this at night!)
18. Can help improve insulin levels
19. Coconut oil and a drop of oregano oil helps improve gum health
20. Awesome for high-temperature cooking than olive or vegetable oils (doesn't go carcinogenic!)
21. Is an immediate source of energy when eaten and isn’t stored as fat
22. As a naturally antibacterial skin cream
23. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis
24. Can stimulate hair growth
25. Can help speed weight loss when consumed daily
26. Can be used to speed healing of fungal infections when taken internally and used externally
27. It has been shown to increase absorption of calcium and magnesium
28. Some evidence shows that the beneficial fats in coconut oil can help with depression and anxiety
29. For pets struggling with skin issues when used externally
30. Some evidence suggests that the beneficial fats in coconut oil are helpful for those with Autism
31. A tablespoon taken before each meal can help improve digestion
32. Many use it as an anti-aging facial moisturizer
33. Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs
34. When taken regularly, it can help fight candida
35. Ingesting coconut oil daily can help with allergy symptoms


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